Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chromatography Lab

Statement of The Problem-

Out of four solutions, which solvent will have the most effect on drawing out the pigments in each color?

The purpose of the Paper Chromatography Lab is to compare different solvents’ polarity and ability to separate a mixture into its pure components.







(Part 1) Black over-head pen (Part 2) Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Purple pens.

Solid Phase: 10 Chromatography paper strips

PART 1 Procedure-Test to see which solvent works the best in the separation of the mixture found in black ink.

1) Pick one color over-head pen (black) to test with different solvents.

2) Cut four strips of filter paper approximately 1 cm x 8 cm

3)Make a right angle bend at the end of the paper approximately 1.5cm from one end.

4)Put a pencil line near the crease and dot the ink to be tested several times on the pencil line.
(allow a few seconds between dots for ink to dry)

  • Using pencil, label each strip as to which solvent will be used.

5) Fill 4 separate wells on the 24 well-plate approximately 1/2 full of the solvents.

6) Place your paper strips into the wells so that the short end is in the solvent.

7) Allow the solvent to wick up the paper for approximately 30 minutes. Record your observations.


Out of the four solvents, H2O left the longest trail of ink, in the fastest amount of time. CH3OH followed slightly slower and did not bleed out as far as water. C6H14 came third, this solvent is not as polar as the first two, so it made sense that it did not reach the same distance. C3H7OH is not polar what-so-ever, therefore, did not bleed out at all. In this case, H2O was the best solvent you can use for this lab since the only other solvent that worked somewhat decent was CH3OH.

PART 2 Procedure- Choose a single solvent from Part 1 and test its ability to separate different colors.

1) Repeat steps (1-4) outlined in the above procedure with different colored inks. (4-5 strips depending on how many colors you use)

· Be sure to label the strips into the wells so that the short end is in the solvent.

4) Fill 4-5 wells half full of the solvent

5) Place your paper strips into the wells so that the short end is in the solvent.



  1. Where are the pictures? Where are the scanned pages? Where is the excitement?!!?? haha You covered the materials, procedures, and instructions well, but you didn't talk about your hypothesis, conclusion, or results.

  2. I like what you wrote but your layout is a little boring and you should throw in some pictures that might make it look better too.

  3. Hey guys. it's Ashley , also James and Cole.
    We really like how you guys are ahead of the game and doing a fine job at this lab.
    We don't think your lab report is boring, just to get that clear.
    Keep going in this lab and finish with a good conclusion.
    State everything that can be stated in your finish to give your lab the ending touch it needs.
    I congratulated you on a good lab start though.
    Nice work girls!

  4. You guys should just add the actual names of the chemicals, otherwise good job!

  5. Great job.. pictures of the molecules were a nice touch...

  6. wow you guys put some work into this. nice job :)

  7. This is rubbish!!! Just kidding, very good outline, nice photos and very descriptive

  8. Ashley, Nate is a boy, the pictures really make the blog a lot more interesting, let's get em in here!
